As a general rule, all offers of gifts, benefits or bequests are to be declined and must be registered except for:
a) Tokens of appreciation (e.g. flowers, chocolates, small gift for speaking at an event, etc.)
b) Small items of Supplier promotional materials (e.g. pens, other paraphernalia with a logo, etc.)
c) Celebration gift/benefit from work colleagues (e.g. birthday, wedding, birth of a child etc.)
d) Common courtesy gift/benefit (e.g. working lunch, meals or refreshments at a conference/forum/seminar event)
If a) and b) above are more frequent and are not 'one-off' in nature and are from the same individual or organisation, then they must be registered and managed.
Offers of money in any form e.g. cash, gift card, voucher etc. must not be accepted (but must still be registered and managed).
Staff must not keep any gift, benefit or bequest without prior approval from a delegated officer.
A key consideration in deciding how to manage gifts, benefits and bequests is whether accepting this could be perceived by a reasonable, impartial observer as influencing or biasing a public official in the exercise of their official duties or functions.
Registering a gift, benefit or bequest shows integrity and transparency. Failure to register a gift, benefit or bequest may become a disciplinary matter.
Refer to the
Gifts, Benefits and Bequests Policy and Procedure
I have read the above guidelines
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Declarant's Details
Employee ID/Serial #:
Full Name:
Email Address:
Substantive Role Title:
Contact Number:
[Select one]
Ageing and Disability Commission (ADC)
Advocate for Children and Young People (ACYP)
NSW Trustee and Guardian (TAG)
Department of Communities & Justice (DCJ)
Multicultural NSW (MNSW)
Select entity above...
Branch (optional):
Employment Status:
[Select one]
Public Service Employee (ongoing, temporary/termed)
Non Public Service Employee (i.e. Contractors, Contingent Workforce etc.)
I declare the following:-
I have read and understand my responsibilities under the
Gifts, Benefits & Bequests (GBB) Policy & Procedure
, including the obligation to immediately declare all GBB offered/ accepted/declined.
I will complete a conflicts of interest declaration where the GBB may create an actual, perceived or potential conflicts of interest as required by the
Conflicts of Interest Policy
I will comply with the directions of the delegated officer to deal with and/or manage GBB.
I acknowledge that the information provided in this declaration is to assist in the appropriate visibility, oversight and management of GBB offered/accepted/declined.
I understand that personal and health information collected, managed and disclosed on this form will comply with the requirements of the NSW Privacy Laws as outlined in the Department’s Privacy Management Plan.
Delegated Officer (Director level or above)
Delegated Officer's Name:
Delegated Officer's Role Title:
Delegated Officer's Email Address:
Delegated Officer's Contact Number:
Gifts, Benefits & Bequests details
Date Offered:
Estimated Value:
round to nearest dollar amount (do not enter cents).
Nature of gift, benefit or bequest:
Select one...
Gift & Benefit
Offered By:
Relationship to the person who
offered the gift, benefit or bequest:
Description of gift, benefit or bequest:
Description of the context in which the gift or benefit
was offered and/or received:
Action Taken:
Select one...
Will be declined/returned
Unable to decline/return
Reason for action taken